United States plans to share AstraZeneca vaccine with Canada, Mexico

The White House Daily Press Briefing on Thursday brought forth yet another update as far as the Biden Administration's handling of the on-going pandemic. 

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that the United States planned to share the AstraZeneca vaccine with Canada and Mexico. Following the announcement of 30 million shots from AstraZeneca to be ready for April, the Biden Administration stated its plans to share roughly 4 million shots with the neighboring countries.

This decision came with heavy criticism from some, stating the United States needs to focus on its own citizens first. Psaki responded on behalf of the Biden Administration, completely disagreeing.

"The pandemic knows no borders," she said. "Ensuring our neighbors can contain the virus is... mission critical to ending the pandemic." 

This sharing reportedly does not affect Biden's plans to have vaccines available for all adults in the U.S. by May.
